The end of the trial on the subcenter is near



During the last fifteen days of November, it is expected that the macro-prosecution initiated under the anti-terrorist law by the attacks on the subcenter, the subway “Los Dominicos” and two police stations in Santiago will come to an end.

The so-called “Caso Bombas 2”, which began more than two years ago against Enriquez Guzman, Nataly Casanova and Juan Flores, has approximately 7 months of trial under the anti-terrorist law, it is finally in those days in which the case is being concluded. After the closing arguments, it is to be expected the verdict that the criminal court will decide innocence or guilt and for which crime, so then – in case of being guilty – it dictate the sentence.

It is necessary to remember that, after this instance, both the defense and the prosecution can appeal the decision, because, if this is a turn of judicial gear against our comrades, it is not the last one.

Remember the accusations and penalties that the power requests against Enrique, Nataly and Juan:

  • Enrique Guzmán: accused for the confection of the explosive device used in the 1st Police Station of Santiago Center. Under the antiterrorist law, the prosecutor claims for 10 years in prison.
  • Nataly Casanova: accused for the confection of the explosive device used at the 1st Police Station in Santiago Centro, placing the explosive device within the subway train of the station “los Dominicos”, possession of material for the manufacture of explosive material. Under the anti-terrorist law, the prosecutor claims 20 years in prison.
  • Juan Flores: accused of placing the explosive device used at the 1st Police Station in Santiago Centro, placing the explosive device within the subway train of the station “los Dominicos”, placing the explosive device in the subcenter. Under the antiterrorist law, the prosecutor asks for a life sentence against him.

Combatant solidarity against the democratic inquisition!




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